Saturday 29 May 2010

The proof copy of the Leica User Forum Charity Book has arrived

And pretty good it looks too :-)

There are a few typos that can be corrected over the weekend and then we will be ready to tell everyone about it.

Have to say that we have been having second thoughts about launch parties. It's actually pretty difficult to find suitable venues, particularly at a suitable price, so we may just have to launch "on line". I think that a final decision on this will be made over the next week. It's a shame, but there are some things that need more time and effort than any of us can afford to donate at the moment. However, we do have one of the two paper copies in existence going to the Forum Meeting at Zingst in Germany next week, so a lot of people will be able to see this proof copy there.

We will also make sure that we tout the other copy around anyone and everyone we can, including the dealers and Leica in Mayfair etc.

Session 6 went pretty much as normal - it's just a routine now. The hospital did think I was coming in on the Friday, not the Wednesday, but we sorted that. I need to phone them up on Tuesday and make sure that Session 7 is on the correct day too. Still tired and awake at the same time, but it's more manageable now. I have been doing the Piriton and Nytol trick again, and that seems to work if you wash it down with a couple of Plymouths...

I met up with Roy yesterday lunchtime and took a few environmental portraits of him in his study. One of them is the POTW on the right. What a nice guy, and we were discussing a collaboration project combining photography and his watercolours (which are superb, btw). Let's see how that can develop over the coming months. t would be great to work with him.

Meeting up with some of the guys at a Steam Rally near Bolton tomorrow if the weather improves. I will probably take the Leica out for a run. At least it's stopped raining now - absolutely piddling down this morning. So much so, that little Pips wouldn't go outside for a wee until she was thrown out and the door locked behind her... Been out for a walk now, so she's happier.

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